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Google Universal Analytics

Aromicon Google Universal Analytics

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Aromicon Google Universal Analytics - Product Features


  • Adds the new Google Universal Analytics Script to your Magento store
  • compatible with all Magento CE Versions since 1.4 and all Magento EE Versions since 1.10
  • compatible with "old" Google Analytics Script
  • fast and easy installation/configuration
  • Adds script to head or before body end
  • enables eCommerce Tracking for your Magento Store
  • no template changes needed

Product Description - Aromicon Google Universal Analytics


With this Magento Extension "Aromicon Google Unversal Analytics" you are one step ahead of your competitors. Use the newest Google Tracking Software from Google in your Magento Store, today. Also Google recommends to use Google Universal Analytics for new projects, because this software will be the new standard. You can use it with old projects to in addition, without any problems. With our Magento Extension you don't have to change any template or add any script. Just install this Magento Module at your store and configure it with your Google Universal Analytics Account Id. Within several minutes you can see the first results. The new Google Universal Analytics provides the oppertunity for own Measurments Values and Dimensions. You can track your customer via cross plattforms. With help of new "Measurement Protocol" your able to track offline Sales from your Magento Admin Backend. This is extension is a beta version. It doesn't include all functions. New functions will be added soon:
  • Tracking of custom values and dimensions onto your product, category and cms pages
  • Google Analytics Tracking of Backend Orders
  • Social Tracking of Facebook and Twitter Actions

Additional Information

Additional Information

Filesize No
Version No
File format No
Compatible Magento Version CE 1.9.x, CE 1.8.x, CE 1.7.x, CE 1.6.x, CE 1.5.x, CE 1.4.x
License Commercial Software License v1.0


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